Differential Geometry: 
Curves and Surfaces in R^3

Math 421, Spring Semester, January 10 - April 24, 2024
Physics 119, Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:05 - 11:20 a.m.

Professor Hubert Bray                     bray@math.duke.edu  
189 Physics Building                       (919)757-8428 (mobile)
Office Hours: After class, or by appointment

Text:  "Differential Geometry and Its Applications" (2nd edition) by John Oprea

Homework:  HW will be assigned out of the text book, which we will follow reasonably closely.  It is in your interests to read the book as we go, and the HW problems should help you achieve this.  You may turn in one late HW without any penalty, after which penalties will be assessed at the discretion of the grader.

Midterm: The Midterm will be in class on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. You will be responsible for all of the material in sections of the book which have had HW problems assigned in them.  Let me know immediately if you are going to have an unresolvable conflict with this date.

Final Exam:  The Final Exam will be on Monday, April 29, 2024, from 9 a.m. - 12 noon in our usual classroom, Physics 119.

Grade:  The grade for the course will be based on

    1)  30%:  Homework

    2)  30%:  Midterm

    3)  40%:  Final Exam