Math 353:

Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

MTuWThF, 2:00pm - 3:15pm, in Physics 047, from July 1 to August 11, 2024

Professor Hubert Bray, Mathematics Department, Duke University

Course Information


To be successful in this class, you are expected to attend every class and stick around after class to ask questions (which will take the place of office hours). You are expected to learn all of the material in the sections of the book which have HW problems assigned, mostly by completing the HW. While students are encouraged to help each other with the HW, for example by giving each other hints, purely copying HW solutions is not allowed. Make sure you master the material covered by the HW problems since it will show up on the midterms and the final exam.

Your homework for the semester is listed below.

Homework will typically be due on Tuesdays and Fridays by midnight, unless otherwise stated. 

Class meets weekdays from July 1 to August 8, except for July 4.

The two midterm exams are on July 19, 2024 and August 2, 2024.

The final exam is on Sunday, August 11, 2024, 2pm - 5pm, in our usual classroom.

NOTIFY HUBERT BRAY ( IMMEDIATELY if you have any conflicts with these exam dates.

Midterm 1 Practice Exams:

2014 Exam 1                   2014 Exam 1 Solutions     

2021 Exam 1                   2021 Exam 1 Solutions

2022 Exam 1                   2022 Exam 1 Solutions

2022-ST2 Exam 1           2022-ST2 Exam 1 Solutions 

Midterm 2 Practice Exams:

2014 Exam 2                   2014 Exam 2 Solutions   

2021 Exam 2                   2021 Exam 2 Solutions

2022 Exam 2                   2022 Exam 2 Solutions

2022-ST2 Exam 2           2022-ST2 Exam 2 Solutions

Practice Final Exams:

Practice Final Exam

2014 Final Exam                   2014 Final Exam Solutions

2021 Final Exam                   2021 Final Exam Solutions

2022-ST1 Final Exam           2022-ST1 Final Exam Solutions


Homework #1 (due on Friday, July 5, 2024)

2.1:  1,11,13,20,28,29
2.2:  1,3,7,9,10,16,21,25,26
2.3:  8,9,10
2.4:  7,9,14,22

Homework #2
(due on Tuesday, July 9, 2024)

2.5:  3,22 
2.6:  1,5,7,11,12,18,21,22
2.7:  1,7,12
3.1:  6,7,11,16

Homework #3
(due on Friday, July 12, 2024)

3.3:  17,18,31,32, 35 
3.4:  1,5,7,11,12,18,21,25  
5.4:  1,3,9
3.5:  5,8,16,17

Homework #4
(due on Tuesday, July 16, 2024)
3.6:  3,5,8,15
6.1:  2,3,5,6,9,23,24
6.2:  3,8,9,13,14,16
6.3:  6,14,16,17,21,22

Homework #5
(due on Friday, July 19, 2024) MIDTERM 1 on this date in class.

Create a one page, front and back, review sheet which you may use during the midterm exam which we take on this date. Turn in your review sheet and the exam at the end of class.

1. The review sheet must be written by you in your handwriting.
2. The review sheet must be a physical (not digital) standard 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper.
3. The review sheet must be created with a pen or pencil by you - no printouts or photocopies, even of your own handwriting.
4. While you should not just copy someone else's review sheet, after making most of your review sheet on your own, you are encouraged to compare your review sheet with other students for ideas about how to make your review sheet better. The goal is to maximize learning for everyone.
5. Make sure you include Table 6.2.1 in section 6.2 on your review sheet.

By writing small, you can get a great deal of information on your review sheet. The process of deciding what goes on your review sheet, as well as the process of actually transcribing it to your review sheet with a regular pen or pencil is very educational for you. These are the reasons for the above rules.

Make sure you take and study the practice exams at the top of this page to prepare for the exam as well. Good luck!

Homework #6
(due on Tuesday, July 23, 2024)

6.4:  3,5,9,12
6.5:  1,4,9,13,14,17 
6.6:  1,6,9,11,13,14 

Homework #7
(due on Friday, July 26, 2024)

10.1:  2,3,7,14,17,20
10.2:  4,6,8,9,16,18,29
10.3:  2,4,13,14,15,17
10.4:  3,5,6,7,12,16,17,35,36  

Homework #8
(due on Tuesday, July 30, 2024)

10.5:  3,4,7,11,12,21,22 
10.6:  1,2,8,11,12
10.7:  4,8,9,10 
10.8:  2,8,10 

Homework #9
(due on Friday, August 2, 2024) MIDTERM 2 on this date in class.

Create a one page, front and back, review sheet which you may use during the midterm exam which we take on this date. Turn in your review sheet and the exam at the end of class.

1. The review sheet must be written by you in your handwriting.
2. The review sheet must be a physical (not digital) standard 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper.
3. The review sheet must be created with a pen or pencil by you - no printouts or photocopies, even of your own handwriting.
4. While you should not just copy someone else's review sheet, after making most of your review sheet on your own, you are encouraged to compare your review sheet with other students for ideas about how to make your review sheet better. The goal is to maximize learning for everyone.
5. Make sure you include Table 6.2.1 in section 6.2 on your review sheet.

By writing small, you can get a great deal of information on your review sheet. The process of deciding what goes on your review sheet, as well as the process of actually transcribing it to your review sheet with a regular pen or pencil is very educational for you. These are the reasons for the above rules.

Make sure you take and study the practice exams at the top of this page to prepare for the exam as well. Good luck!

Homework #10 (due on Tuesday, August 6, 2024)

11.1:  2,3,4,5,8,10,19
11.2:  1,4,7,8,11,13,14,15
11.3:  3,5,7,9,11,12,13,20,21

Homework #11
(due on Thursday, August 8, 2024)

5.1:  1,5,12,13,18,19,21
5.2:  2,10,15 
5.3:  3,8,11,15,22,23